
Life Throws Curve Ball - Studio Broken Into Last NIght

Well, everyone...bad news from the MR Photography camp. Our studio was burglarized last night and when we arrived this morning, the police were already going through trying to figure out how and what happened. Unfortunately, we had several large items taken, to include the large TV in the meeting area, a lot of camera equipment, one of our computers, microwave and a lot of things that we have no understanding as to why they would've taken the stuff to begin with...such as sample albums, prints and other things related specifically to the business. We've alerted the local camera stores and have begun the process of getting out serial numbers, etc. Luckily, no files or anything related to our clients was taken which really is a breath of fresh air, but since we keep doubles of everything off the premises anyways, we would have been safe regardless.

Its a shame how hard we work (in general) only to have people who can't go out and get real jobs and go and steal from those of us who work for what we have. You always feel like its not going to happen to you and then, it does. Luckily, everything we have that was taken can be replaced.

Then, I got home this morning to find out one of my dogs is sick so I had to clean up after her and rush her to the vet...so keep your prayers open for her.

Well, despite everything we've gone through today, we're still a strong studio and will continue on business as usual. If you are trying to get hold of Jamie today via email please keep in mind that her computer is in la la land so it may take a couple of days for her to get back to you. Also, if you need anything, you can still reach me at info@marcusrevilla.com or here at the studio.

thanks for all the calls and support!

We love you guys!

Marcus and team...

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